Series „Entkeimung“
2015 – 2017 . glass and silicone . dimensions variable
From top to bottom and left to right:
- Entkeimung 1 . 2015 . glass and silicone . 40 x 80 x 8 cm
- Entkeimung 2 . 2015 . glass and silicone . 37 x 59 x 7 cm
- Entkeimung 3 . 2016 . glass and silicone . 50 x 48,2 x 7 cm
- Entkeimung 4 . 2017 . glass and silicone . 29,2 x 49,2 x 8 cm
- Entkeimung 5 . 2017 . glass and silicone . 20 x 37,5 x 11,5 cm
- Entkeimung 6 . 2017 . glass and silicone . 32 x 50 x 10,2 cm
This works are made of sheet glasses glued together with silicone. The silicone reminds of an abstract painting and is on, as well as in the works. The works represent a cross between image and object. The spatiality in paintings is in focus, which in this case is real and not illusionistic. The clinical character of glass and silicone is broken by the fact that the glass gets “stained”, “smudged” and “overgrown” by the silicone. The purity and transparency of the glass is questioned.