Series „Exsudat“
2019 . silicone and glass . dimensions variable
From top to bottom and left to right:
- Exsudat 1 . 2019 . silicone and glass . 31 x 45 x 4 cm
- Exsudat 2 . 2019 . silicone and glass . 32 x 44 x 4 cm
- Exsudat 3 . 2019 . silicone and glass . 33 x 44 x 4 cm
In this series of works, sheet glasses are glued with silicone together into a box shape. The silicone reminds of an abstract painting and is on, as well as in the box. One glass sheet is a mirror and lets the environment become part of the work. The works represent a cross between image and object. Purity and transparency of the glass are in focus as well as the spatiality in paintings, which in this case is real and not illusionistic.